If you are facing hair loss then check our best quality and most sold product category and fulfil your needs with the best quality product served around the world.
For hair loss spoliation, our products are designed, manufactured and tested with the best of best team in the world. Feel free to check our hair loss solution products and find your best supplier, Regent Hair, in the entire world.
ABABIL International is a well known export-import and hair product manufacturing company in Bangladesh. Regent hair is our sister concern company which looks after the processing and production of our products. We always try to produce the best quality product for our consumers. Our company consists of 450 workers which allows us to produce large number of production every month. We deliver our products almost all over the world but mostly in USA, Lebanon, Canada, Turkey, Germany, Pakistan, India and UAE. With our HIGHEST quality and Best Cheapest price - we are the largest manufacturer of man's and woman's toupee, closure frontal and Raw hair In Bangladesh.
We Are always trying to Provide the Highest Quality products rich in textures and variety. Regent Hair Offers 100% Virgin Hair products with a lots textures and colors. Our Hair extensions are Hand-made, Best in Quality, 100% Human hair extensions And also been tested for our Respected clients comfort with different process In our factory.
Read More ContactIf you need any Another query and discussion please get in touch
KA-57/1, Kazi Tower (2nd Floor), Progoti Shoroni, khilkhet, Vatara, Dhaka-1229
regenthairbd@gmail.com support@regenthairbd.com
+880 1988 110 088
+880 1988 110 088
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